Dignified Immigration System

Edafe Okporo stands at a podium during a rally at Foley Square, wearing a winter jacket and addressing the crowd. In front of the podium is a bold yellow sign reading 'End Shelter Eviction.'

“I came to New York and began my life on the Upper West Side. This city gave me a sense of safety when I first arrived, and I want to ensure that same security for others. I founded a shelter for asylum seekers, and my life’s work has been dedicated to serving people in need.”

I represent the interests of District 7 New Yorkers-natives and immigrants alike. My mission is to strengthen our community bonds and understanding so that all can feel safe and welcome. I came to New York as an asylum seeker and went on to create the first shelter for asylum seekers in the city.

I am committed to working with community organizations and policymakers to build a welcoming model for immigrant integration—one that fosters unity and support, rather than a narrative of fear and division between migrants and New Yorkers alike.

To support our growing communities effectively, I will work closely with local government, community organizations, and advocacy groups to develop a comprehensive immigrant integration strategy. This plan will include:

  • I will push for increased funding to expand shelter capacity for migrants, preventing overcrowding and unsafe conditions. We must prioritize both short-term shelter solutions and long-term affordable housing options for newly arrived families and individuals.

    Concurrently, we must prioritize the expansion of affordable housing options for long-time residents. By increasing the availability of affordable housing, we can help stabilize the rental market and create additional space, benefiting both New Yorkers and newly arrived migrants. This comprehensive strategy will address both immediate and long-term housing needs effectively.

  • I will advocate for a unified citywide program that helps migrants quickly access essential services like healthcare, legal assistance, and education.

    Many migrants bring valuable skills, but their potential remains untapped due to barriers to work authorization. I will push for the city to collaborate with federal authorities and advocate for expedited work permits, allowing migrants to contribute to New York’s economy. I will also work with local businesses to create job training programs that prepare migrants for employment, filling gaps in sectors like healthcare, construction, and hospitality.

  • As more migrant children enroll in our public schools, I will fight for increased funding for multilingual education programs, additional counselors, and expanded resources for teachers. This ensures that every child, regardless of their immigration status, can succeed and thrive in our education system.

  • Many migrants and asylum seekers have endured significant trauma. I will advocate for specialized mental health services and trauma-informed care for those who need it. This includes establishing mobile clinics and support programs to bring care directly to those living in shelters or temporary housing.

  • The recent influx of asylum seekers requires a coordinated emergency response. I will advocate for an interagency task force to respond swiftly and effectively to the challenges of managing this crisis, ensuring that resources are distributed fairly and that no community is disproportionately impacted.

Edafe Okporo versus The Incumbent

  • Edafe Okporo believes that those facing homelessness deserve compassion and support, not arbitrary time limits on their shelter stays. He fully supports Intro 1000-2023, a bill that would have prohibited the Department of Social Services from imposing restrictions on how long individuals can stay in shelters. This measure would ensure that vulnerable migrants aren't forced back onto the streets before finding stable housing, and Edafe is committed to making homelessness services more humane.

  • Our campaign is already making a difference by holding the incumbent accountable. We recognize that our candidacy is pushing him to become more responsive to the issues that matter most to New Yorkers. By taking a firm public stance, we’ve compelled him to support a bill he previously refused to sign. This shows the power of strong leadership and the importance of putting the community’s needs first.